This winning formula teaches children to answer "HOW" and "WHAT" questions with ease. "HOW" questions are broken down into 3 simple steps for understanding. "WHAT" questions also designed to teach actions. Prepare to be astonished as children begin to effortlessly respond to "WHAT" and "HOW" questions. Versatile pack and expertly designed to teach at 3 different levels:
Beginner level - identify and label actions
Intermediate level - teach children to understand and answer "WHAT" question
Advanced level - teach the student to answer a "HOW" question (3 step answer)
What's in this pack?
Excellent quality laminated photo cards for teaching children question comprehension. The back of each card is clear and teaches children how to answer questions. Labeling actions is an elementary skill. Understanding and answering "What" questions is more advanced. Being able to understand and answer a "How" question is far more complex. The "What" questions in this set require a one sentence answer. The "How" questions require a 3 step answer. Children relate to these cards as all activities depicted are ones that children participate in. Examples include reading a book, blowing bubbles, playing t-ball, cooking, hugging a friend, feeding the ducks etc.