Helping people understand the world of autism
Autism Atlas, Inc.
PO Box 13183
Pittsburgh, PA 15243
(570)592 3694
EIN 46-4772453
Understanding My Friends With Autism is a program designed for children ages 5–11, to help them understand why children with autism act the way they do.
The program is driven by a video made by a young girl called Charlene who has autism. She explains why children with autism like her frequently stim, have meltdowns, walk away from others for no apparent reason or find it hard to have a conversation with others. At specified times, there is a break in the video where the participants can perform simulation exercises to help them experience first hand how annoying sensory issues can be.
The simulation exercises are explained in detail during the presentation. Many children will be able to watch the program and perform the exercises without adult supervision, making the program a convenient and flexible choice for busy parents and teachers. When used in schools, it can be used with groups of varying size and could even be used to replace a regular movie during those rainy/snowy indoor recesses!! It can be used as a standalone autism awareness module or as part of an anti-bullying curriculum.
Topics covered:
- Communication
- Social difficulties
- Sensory issues: - Sight, Touch, Hearing, Smell
- The need for routine
Home Edition For Parents and Loved Ones (DVD)
School / Community Organization Edition (DVD)
What is included:
- DVD of the program
- A License Agreement which grants the right to use the program for an unlimited period of time to educate an unlimited number of people. Note: The program may only be used at the purchasing location to educate persons affiliated with the purchasing location. Click here to read a sample of the license.
- Facilitator's Guide with a summary of the program and simulation exercises and sample follow-up questions to enhance the learning experience.
- Dot-to-Dot
- One Master Copy of the Social Story / Coloring Book which may be reproduced as required. (Additional complete books can be purchased separately in our online shop)
- Ten Pairs of "magic" glasses (Additional pairs may be purchased separately in our online store)
- Ten sheets of bubble wrap (Additional sheets may be purchased separately in our online store)
- Ten squares of sanding paper (Additional squares may be purchased separately in our online store)
Other Items Needed (Not included in the package, but may be purchased separately in our online shop):
Oven mitts
Clip Boards
The additional items required to perform the program may be purchased in various amounts / configurations in our online shop.
If we do not offer a package that meets your specific requirements, do not hesitate to contact us and we will do our best to accommodate you.
Understanding My Friends With Autism
What is included:
- DVD of the program
- Parent's guide with a summary of the program and simulation exercises and sample follow-up questions to enhance the learning experience.
- One Social Story / Coloring Book (additional books can be purchased separately)
- Two pairs of "magic" glasses (additional glasses can be purchased separately)
- One sheet of bubble wrap for dot-to-dot activity
- One square of sanding paper
Other Items Needed (Not included in the package, but may be purchased separately in our online shop) :
Oven mitts
Clip Boards
Click here to see excerpts from "Understanding My Friends With Autism"
Available Formats
Live Presentation
* Currently, Live Presentations are only available in Western Pennsylvania.
The live presentation of "Understanding My Friends With Autism", covers the same topics as the DVD based program in a fun, interactive way. The participants perform unique activities that utilize more sophisticated simulation equipment allowing them to experience how balance
and vestibular problems may adversely affect life for people with autism on a daily basis.
Click here for more information or to schedule a presentation