Lending Library

Helping People Understand The World Of Autism
Six different topics. Examples include movies, play, sport, computer games, books and TV. Each topic begins with a yellow card so they can be found quickly. Each card has a question on the front. Flip it over and the beginning of the answer is on the back. Different conversations to teach a child how to engage in a appropriate conversation.
Why are these so successful?
Children practice conversation in simple steps. They learn the flow of information continues about the same topic. These are not learned social scripts. They teach spontaneous conversation as the child fills in the blanks.
How do they work?
The conversation starters employs two stages for teaching. The first stage teaches children to spontaneously answer questions while the second stage teaches children to inquire about other people and to initiate conversations. Each set includes six different topics with a yellow card signifying the start of each new topic for immediate access. Known as a "Speech Teacher's Dream," they're so convenient you can carry them in your pocket or clip them to your key ring and use them throughout the day. The front of each card poses a fun and interesting question about the topic. Flip it over and the beginning of the answer is on the back, encouraging children to fill in the blanks.
Simply brilliant technique to teach conversation skills!
Stage One
Teach children to respond in conversational format. Ask them a question and flip over the card so they see the beginning of the answer. This prompts children to fill in the blanks and encourages them to think of appropriate answers. It teaches children to be spontaneous and use different answers every time you use this pack.
Stage Two
Let children ask YOU the question and YOU fill in the blanks. This teaches children to inquire about other people. It teaches children to ask another question after getting a response. This set has absolutely astounding results!